Tag: featured

Homecoming: Finding Home

Es la mañana llena de tempestad en el corazón del verano. Como pañuelos blancos de adiós viajan las nubes, el viento las sacude con sus viajeras manos. Innumerable corazón del viento latiendo sobre nuestro silencio enamorado. Zumbando entre los árboles, orquestal y divino, como una lengua llena de guerras y de cantos. Pablo Neruda, Poema IV

Marijuana: Narconomics going mainstream.

Marijuana has always been a staple in the Narco-Economy since the 19th century. Today, it has begun its period of renaissance. Like a flower blooming in the wild, people are taking notice of the once shunned weed. Cannabis is something that people once thought could only be smoked is finding that it can be used for lotions and

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Lessons of Manhood from Warriors

Men were once warriors, leaders, kings. Being smart and strong. Courageous and brave. Conquering and defending foreign lands. These men were considered dangerous. Vikings and Romans used ambition to determine where they stood in the hierarchy. A time when facial hair stood for something. Beards and mustaches were once a sign of being older, wiser, and strong. It meant that a man

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